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Help for Digestive Issues in Marietta

man standing wearing denim with stomach painHeartburn, gastroesophageal reflux disease (GERD), irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), lactose intolerance, and inflammatory bowel disease (IBD) are all common types of digestive issues people experience. If you’re seeking a natural way to ease your digestive distress, upper cervical chiropractic care at Berner Upper Cervical Chiropractic can help.

First, let’s examine the importance of concentrating on the upper cervical spine to address digestive conditions.

A Focus on the C1 and C2

The top part of your spine can potentially affect your brainstem if it becomes misaligned because the two are closely linked. The brainstem is the bottom part of your brain that links to the spinal cord, and it’s responsible for controlling some key body functions such as heartbeat, breathing, and simple reflexes.

The top of your spine, especially the first two vertebrae, which are known as the atlas (C1) and axis (C2), are located near the brainstem. The vagus nerve, which manages digestion, starts from this area.

The vagus nerve, also known as the tenth cranial nerve, is important in managing different body functions, including digestion. This complex nerve links the brain to many body organs, such as the stomach and intestines. The vagus nerve controls the parasympathetic nervous system, often called the “rest and digest” system.

Ways the Vagus Nerve Influences Digestion

Stimulation of Digestive Enzymes: The vagus nerve stimulates the release of enzymes in the stomach and pancreas. When the vagus nerve isn’t functioning properly, your food isn’t broken down correctly, impacting your digestion.

Motility and Peristalsis: Your food is guided through the digestive system by rhythmic contractions managed by the vagus nerve. Any hiccups here could lead to problems like constipation or slowed digestion.

Gastric Acid Secretion: The vagus nerve prompts your stomach to produce gastric acid, helping break down food and kill harmful bacteria. Without enough acid, you could experience indigestion or an overgrowth of bad bacteria.

Sensory Feedback: The vagus nerve also receives sensory information from the digestive organs and relays this information to the brain. This feedback loop helps regulate the overall digestive process by signaling when to release digestive juices, control muscle contractions, and communicate feelings of fullness or hunger. Disruptions in this feedback loop can contribute to digestive discomfort and irregularities.

Inflammation and Immune Response: Lastly, the vagus nerve helps manage inflammation and your immune response—both crucial in maintaining a healthy digestive system.

The vagus nerve plays a crucial role in regulating various aspects of the digestive system, including enzyme secretion, motility, acid production, sensory feedback, and immune response. Dysfunction of the vagus nerve can result from an upper cervical subluxation. With our detailed X-rays and analysis, we can get to the root cause of the problem and allow the body to heal naturally.

Book an Appointment

If you’ve been derailed by digestive distress, we want to help. Contact Berner Upper Cervical Chiropractic today to schedule an appointment with Dr. Berner.



Help for Digestive Issues in Marietta GA | (770) 726-9968