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Headaches in Marietta

Woman with aching headThrobbing pain. A dull ache. Sudden pain or “brain freeze” after eating ice cream. Pain on the top of the head. As one of the most common pain conditions experienced worldwide, headaches can range from mildly uncomfortable to debilitating. This type of discomfort often causes absenteeism from school or work.

Those who experience frequent headaches may also find their mental health is impacted in the form of anxiety or depression.

The Main Types

There are more than 150 types of headaches, which fall into two main categories: primary and secondary.


These are ones that aren’t due to another medical condition. The category includes

  • Cluster
  • Migraine
  • New daily persistent headaches (NDPH)
  • Tension
  • Secondary


This type is related to other conditions, including

  • Head injury
  • High blood pressure (hypertension)
  • Infection
  • Medication overuse
  • Sinus congestion
  • Trauma
  • Tumor
  • And more

How Chiropractic May Help

Upper cervical adjustments may be an effective care option for tension headaches and ones that start in the neck. This chiropractic approach specifically addresses the Atlas misalignment, which is often the cause of headaches. The precise, yet gentle, adjustment restores the normal position of the head and neck over the body, and relieves the pressure and tension often associated with this painful sensation. Headaches are probably the thing we have the greatest success in treating!

Patients often notice relief almost instantly, or at least within the first 24 hours. There are a small percentage of headache cases we cannot help, but on average, 90 percent will see improvement by the following day.

Frequently Asked Questions

Are there other drug-free ways to reduce head discomfort?

You may want to try relaxation techniques, yoga, or acupuncture, which may help.

Can eliminating certain foods help relieve my head pain?

Because certain foods may trigger head pain, removing them from your diet will often help. However, if upper cervical misalignment is the root cause, eliminating foods will not provide much relief. In either case, it’s important to figure out the cause, so proper care may be given to resolve your pain.

When should I seek immediate care for head discomfort?

If you have a headache that is unusually severe or gradually worsens, you should seek attention. You also need immediate care if your head pain follows a blow to the head or is accompanied by fever, stiff neck, confusion, decreased alertness, or memory.

Other warning signs include visual disturbances, slurred speech, weakness, numbness, or seizures. If you experience any of the above, it’s crucial that you seek immediate medical attention.

Book an Appointment

If you’re suffering from headaches, we want to help. Contact Berner Upper Cervical Chiropractic to schedule an appointment.


Headaches in Marietta GA | (770) 726-9968